BfA: Videos zu den gestrigen Raidtests in Uldir

BfA: Videos zu den gestrigen Raidtests in Uldir

Wie bereits zu Beginn des aktuellen Monats durch einen Bluepost in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren von World of Warcraft angekündigt wurde, haben die für die fortlaufende Entwicklung dieses beliebten MMORPGs in der vergangenen Nacht die ersten richtigen Raidtests in der geschlossenen Beta von Battle for Azeroth durchgeführt. Während dieser einige Stunden langen Testphase durften die daran interessierten Tester in die heroische Version der Titaneneinrichtung Uldir eindringen und dort dann gegen die beiden recht früh in dieser Instanz untergebrachten Encounter “Mother” und “Vectis” antreten. Netterweise haben viele dieser Tester ihre Begegnungen mit diesen beiden Bosskämpfen auch wieder in mittlerweile auf YouTube veröffentlichten Videos festgehalten, sodass nun selbst die Spieler einen Blick auf diese neuen Encounter werfen, die bisher noch nicht selbst in die Beta eingeladen wurden. Folgend findet ihr sowohl Bildmaterial zu diesen Tests als auch kurze Übersichten zu den Fähigkeiten dieser beiden kommenden Bosse.

MOTHER (Rote Königin):

Beschreibung: MOTHER will not allow adventurers into Uldir until they have been cleansed of corruption. First, they must pass through her decontamination chamber.

Die Fähigkeiten dieses Encounters:


Beschreibung: A sample of G’huun’s blood, animated and run amok. Considered by the Titans to be an infection capable of killing every living thing on Azeroth, its primary disease strain was dubbed the Omega Vector.

Die Fähigkeiten dieses Encounters:

  • Mutagenic Pathogen: Inflictins 13 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 12 sec. Each subsequent application of Mutagenic Pathogen doubles the damage per tick of the previous application. On expiration, the Mutagenic Pathogen evolves into Omega Vector and jumps to the closest nearby player.
    • Omega Vector: Omega Vector takes root in a player, inflicting 21 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec. On expiration, Omega Vector jumps to the closest ally and applies a stack of Lingering Infection to its former host.
  • Lingering Infection: Weakens the player’s resistance to future infections, increasing damage taken from Contagion by 5%. (Mythic)
    • Bursting Lesions: Players with 10 stacks of Lingering Infection will gain Bursting Lesions whenever they are struck by Contagion. Bursting Lesions inflicts 15 Nature damage and applies a stack of Lingering Infection to nearby players within 5 yards every 1 sec for 3 sec. (Mythic)
    • Spawn Parasite: Players with 20 stacks of Lingering Infection will spawn an Engorged Parasite whenever they are struck by Contagion. Engorged Parasites will cast Parasitic Discharge when they reach full energy. (Mythic)
    • Terminal Eruption: Players with 30 stacks of Lingering Infection will suffer a Terminal Eruption whenever they are struck by Contagion. Terminal Eruption inflicts 40 Nature damage to all players and 6000 Nature damage to the initially affected player. (Mythic)
  • Lingering Infection: Weakens the player’s resistance to future infections, increasing damage taken from Contagion by 5%. (Normal, Heroic, Raid Finder)
  • Contagion: Inflicts 29 Nature damage to all players.
  • Gestate: Inflicts 9 damage every 1 sec to a random player and all players within 8 yards for 5 sec. Stuns the initial target while a Plague Amalgam gestates within the player. On expiration, the Plague Amalgam will spawn 5 yards from that player.
  • Liquefy: Transforms into a pool of toxic blood, triggering Lingering Infection on players who come into contact with the pool.
    • Blood Geyser: A geyser of corrupted blood inflicts 22 Shadow damage to all players within 1 yards. Affected players gain a stack of Lingering Infection.
  • Hypergenesis: A pool of blood forms, erupting for 54 Shadow damage to players within 6 yards after 8 sec. If no players are hit by the eruption, it instead inflicts 44 Shadow damage to all players.

Quelle: JustBlizzard